Thursday, November 23, 2006

Back 'home' for Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!
I thought I would be missing turkey day this year, but somehow I made it back in time for another feast. Nope, no turkey cooking on the top of the theatre roof. We were invited to Megan's this year. It was great to see the old gang again. Funny, since some of them didn't know I was coming.

It's my 4th day in LA. The Gilmores are great. Thanks for letting me invade your home for two weeks, guys! Well, if you think about it, they got a better deal than Shawn and Vonessa who put me up for 3 months last year. I miss the Martins.

When I got out of LAX on Monday, the first thought that came to mind was 'f***! I'm in KL! Why is so hot???" It was about 85 degrees fahrenheit, but in just 2 days the temperature dropped by 15 degrees. Welcome to Los Angeles.

Anyway, am having a great time. Lots more people to see next week.

Christie and I are doing the crazy day-after-Thanksgiving shopping tomorrow. We'll be out the door by 5:15am. Trust me, that's late. It is 11:32pm now and there are already people standing in line waiting for the stores to open. So, time for bed.

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