Thursday, March 09, 2006

Are you American?

I know this is long overdue, but better late than never. To those of you who have been dying to take this quiz, here it is.

This is the infamous American Slang Quiz which my alma mater presented us (International Students) during our Orientation week in '97 (yes, yours truly has managed to keep this for almost 10 years) instead of giving us a handy dandy American Slang Sheet. Have never been made to feel so stupid in my entire life - read some of the answers provided and you will understand what I mean. A few of us thought of picking all the wrong answers to be funny, but since this quiz suggested what they must have thought of us, we'd probably be put in a special "Getting to know the American Slang" class or perhaps even in English 100 (and of course we'd have to pay for the units). Little did they know that more than half of us grew up watching Threes Company, The Benny Hill show and Friends.

In case the picture isn't clear enough, I'm doing you a favour by retyping the quiz.
To my Fall '97 International buddies, care to take the quiz again for old times' sake?
To my American friends - don't tell me if you get anything lesser than a 10/10.

Have fun!
ps: Personal favourites are questions 7 and 14.

American Slang Quiz

1. If something is "your bad," it is:
a. Your lack of style
b. Your mistake
c. Your problem

2. "Catch ya later" means
a. Stay away from me, I don't want to catch your cold
b. You will have a race and someone will find you
c. See you soon

3. If someone is "stoked" they are
a. Excited
b. On drugs
c. Very wet

4. If something is "tacky", it is
a. Wobbly
b. Over-priced
c. In bad taste

5. "Cop a 'tude" means
a. Beat up a cop
b. Become suddenly violent
c. Act or speak with a bad attitude

6. If something is "on the house," it is
a. Free
b. Upstairs
c. Avoided because it is dangerous

7. What is "cramming"?
a. A contest of seeing how many hot dogs one can fit into one's mouth at once
b. Studying last minute for an exam
c. Jamming as many people into a phone booth as possible

8. "I bombed the test" means
a. I did really well on the test
b. I did very poorly on the test
c. I set my test papers on fire

9. What does it mean to "hang"?
a. It is a form of capitol punishment
b. To gather together with friends
c. To go bungee jumping

10. If something is "dope," it is
a. An illicit drug
b. Cool or hip
c. Messy

11. What are you doing if you are taking a "rain check"?
a. Accepting a check from a person who does not have enough funds in his/her bank account
b. Postponing an offer until a later date

12. If something is "humor," it is
a. A type of ice cream bar
b. A medical term for a cancerous growth
c. Funny

13. "The party was the bomb" means
a. The party was not fun
b. The party was at the club "The Bomb"
c. The party was really fun

14. "Chill"means
a. To get a fine wine ready for dinner
b. To stick your head in the freezer on a hot day to cool off
c. To relax

15. "Get outta' here!" means
a. Pack your bags and leave immediately!
b. You're kidding me! (What you're saying is unbelievable!)
c. What you said really made me mad!

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